


New! Lori, who recently took the class, talks about her Human Fusion experience (October 21st, 2013). Listen below or download.[audio:http://humanfusion.s3.amazonaws.com/LoriandHumanFusion.mp3] “Thank you Dr. Hein: the synchronicities started happening almost immediately . . . Your class was awe-inspiring and incredible. I can’t thank you enough. To everyone thinking about do this: Put your fear aside, do it, you will not be sorry. This class is a life changer. The benefits are all positive changes.”–Lori, NY



“I’ve really enjoyed this class. It’s the best investment that I’ve done that I can think of. The excitement has got back into the everything I do. And now I have a lot more control over things. I’m happy now. I can’t believe that in 8-weeks a person can change this much. It’s the best class I’ve ever taken. Thank you.” –Gene, Colorado, U.S.A.


“The Human Fusion class exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I got a million times more out of it than in four full years of psychotherapy . . .”
Participant from New York

“Simeon Hein’s “Human Fusion” course was fascinating. After each class I could hardly wait for the next! The goal I had set for myself was weight loss, but I met with great opposition from my subconscious. I knew I must do it for my health as well as self esteem. By the end of the course I still had not gotten started, and was very disappointed in myself. However, the many principles we learned in the course had taken hold in my subconscious, and two weeks ago I started on a diet. I have lost 9 pounds and still counting, and my attitude toward the whole idea has changed into a very positive one.” –Alice, Palm Springs CA



Dr. Hein’s Creative Intelligence course showed me how to do things I never thought I was capable of. It was really an amazing experience that I’d recommend to others looking to improve themselves and perform at a higher level. It’s helped me immensely with my catering business . . . ”
— Kristi, USA

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“The visualization exercise we did in Week 5 was itself worth the price of the whole class.”
— Paul, Chiba City, Japan



“This last week in the class has been phenomenal! I’ve had at least seven instances of synchronicities. And it seems like the more excited I get about going in these directions, the more it happens. All this information is available now, I just need to pull it in. It just blows me away! Another few weeks of this and LOOK OUT!”–Gene, USA

For what its worth, I wanted to say “thank you” again for the discussion today and your input. Its interesting, but the floodgates of creativity started to open back up following our conversation . . . I’ve at least had 5 ideas about blogs already. And, because my mind is wired in such a way that I have a need to expand everything I come I’m contact with, I’ve already been thinking about the downstream possibilities and opportunities. I suppose, like everyone else, I just needed a swift kick in the a** to get things moving. :o)
–Paul, Sacramento, CA

Comments from Virtual Viewing Students


There is nothing like a viewing class with Simeon to help you tap into your full potential. Highly recommended.” –Lorraine Moller, Olympic marathon runner, medal winner and author.





Simeon far exceeded my expectations. This class was just terrific! We made PHENOMENAL target contact. It was wonderful.”–Elisa Brown, musician and vocalist




Virtual viewing is like having a new pair of eyes. It allows your mind to function beyond the capabilities of any current technology. Dr. Hein is an amazing teacher and communicator. His meticulous attention to the details of this process make this an absolute must for anyone who wants to succeed in life.”
— Teri, Certified Hypnotist, owner/director of ConsciousWellnessNow.com

“Your course is extraordinarily fun. Not pretentious, not aloof, just right on cue with what is pertinent for one to have a better understanding of RV. Thanks.”
–Sandy, New Orleans, LA

“Your virtual viewing course is awesome!”– Mary, Washington State, USA

“Dr Hein’s virtual viewing class is a blast! It showed me a cool, new way to use my mind.”–Melissa, Boulder, CO

This is my first experience doing this and it’s incredible to say the least. I believe in the possibilities of RV but my jaw just about dropped after doing video #6. This is a totally awesome experience……WOW!! Everyone needs to try this.” — Paul V., Virtual Viewing Student

I liked how the class was set up. Dr. Hein is a charismatic and knowledgeable presenter with a good grasp of RV and the subtleties of the subtle energies. Thank you for the awesome class, Dr. Hein. Your resonant viewing class overall was an amazing experience! ” –Mark W., Virtual Viewing student

The Insight class is very appropriate and effective as a entry level course. I really like the way you present it. You make it fun and non-threatening.” –Gary G., Virtual Viewing Student

“This was a wonderful, fun, mind expanding course. Simeon is a wonderful sharer, with a light touch.” – Rebecca, Boulder, CO

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1 thought on “Testimonials

  1. Pingback: New "Human Fusion" live class starting in September |

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